Sunday, October 23, 2011

The bane of my productivity

The following post is something I should have posted Sunday night but never got to:

This past week has been one in which my level of productivity can be summed up in one word: ZILCH and its many synonyms: zip, nothing, nada, naught, blank...well, you get the point.  I have done absolutely no work on my classes.  This is what happens when you just had a test and there's not that much new material. I was woefully unprepared for my study group session today

And you know what made it WORSE?  I got my hold for The Son of Neptune last week!!!  Now, ordinarily, this would be a good thing, a GREAT thing, even.  I was definitely jumping up and down and screaming for a good five minutes when I got the email.  No joke.  Try as I might to avoid reading it before finishing my homework, I couldn't.  I've been waiting to know what happens to Percy since June.  Talk about temptations!  Yes, I started reading and I couldn't stop!  By Saturday morning, I was almost halfway done, and that's when I just couldn't take it anymore!!  I HAD to know what was going to happen next!  So I spent the rest of Saturday skimming until the end, instead of integrating my Cell Bio notes and doing Physics problems.

And now that I know all of what happens, I realize just how bad of a decision this was.  Not only have I not spent time on what's more important to my future (sadly, Percy's fate will not help me get into medical school), I now have a FULL YEAR to wait until the next book comes out!  And I spent nearly two hours today looking at speculations and reviews.  I think I already mentioned that I'm obsessed.  Although, I have to say, the book is pretty good.  Well worth the wait.

This past week, though, has been a WONDERFUL week for SURGe.  SURGe United won its first soccer game with a score of 3:1!  Too bad it was the last game for this IM season.  Good work guys and gals!  Even though I wasn't there, I heard you worked really hard for it.  A shout-out and big thanks to all who played!  And our Pokemon social on Friday was kind of cool.  I have to say, even though I'm not a Pokemon fan, having never seen it, I think it turned out to be a great idea.  If you weren't there, you missed the Grant Writing Workshop, picking up your fancy lab safety certificates, and Dan's and Collin's sugar-filled liquid nitrogen icecream recipe, which actually turned out to be quite good!  And the plant sale wasn't bad-it's always nice to see members come to help out, and even decorate!  Yay for colored chalk!!

That's all I've got for now.  I still have to finish my lab report!  Advice: Don't read your favorite series when you're in school, kids- it'll only distract you from what's more important!


1 comment:

  1. Late reply is late.

    Productivity? Pssh, what's that? I always say that I'll do something productive, but it never happens. Never. Sometimes it makes me sad, lol. I'm not a very good college student.

    Lol, back in middle school I had a test the next day, but I ended up reading James Patterson's Maximum Ride novel instead. It's good that you're still reading, but there's a time for everything ;)

    Eww lab reports. Hope you did good on it!

