Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When a good day just gets better!

You know those days when you wake up and you feel so relaxed and calm and you just KNOW that today's going to be a good day, or at least, not as bad as any other day? was DEFINITELY one of those days! :)

Today started off with me and Dan Quintanilla (the other FRC Co-Chair) meeting with Dena Sutton, the manager for all the greenhouses in Welch.  And this time, it was actually not disastrous.  See, usually, we are made to realize just how bad our greenhouse really looks and how we aren't doing a very good job.  (Collin Johnson, the SURGe President, can back me up on this one.)  But THIS TIME, she was proud of us!  She APPROVED!!  THAT was how this great day started!

And then I went to Vert. Neuro. and actually answered a question when the entire class was silent.  But then my professor pointed at me with a laser pointer.  When he realized this, he joked that that was probably why no one wanted to answer his questions.  That was little embarrassing.....


The low point of my day: working on my Physics lab report, on which I procrastinated AGAIN for the second week in a row.  (Hey, I am WAY better than I used to be.)  The bad part was that I made myself finish it instead of going to get FREE Amy's Ice-cream at the HRC today for the poetry reading going on.  I guess I deserved it, huh? 

Lack of sugar intake and chocolately-goodness aside, I proceeded to my Physics lab, a 3-hour block in my Wednesday schedule, which, today, ended in just 20 minutes.  Yes, you read that right.  A LAB in TWENTY MINUTES.  Last week, it took FIVE MINUTES (because there was no new data collection).  Sweeeeet! 

Afterwards, I got a head start, working on my NEW Physics lab report in the Biology computer labs in the ACA building (ACA 1.126 and ACA 1.124), located behind PAT.  (Y'all should be proud of me; I learned my lesson.)  And, get this, there is FREE PRINTING here for anyone enrolled in a Biology class!!  Who knew, right?  1 BIO class = 200 pages; 2 BIO classes = 300 pages; 3 BIO classes = 400 pages.  And those quotas are PER SEMESTER!  So I proceeded to print homework and articles for class and then realized that I was actually in 3 BIO classes this semester!  Yay me!! :)  Can it GET any better than this? 

I happily came home early (er), albeit somewhat guiltily for not going to my FRI lab. Shhh.....  I promptly proceeded to raid the freezer and what did I find?  ICE CREAM!! I had an ice-cream sandwich AND 2 scoops of vanilla. (Ha!  Take that, Physics lab!)

So, because of my fabulous day today, I have now been writing this blog post for the past HOUR instead of studying for my first midterm on Friday.....

I hope you enjoyed it.  You're welcome.

On a related note:  If you don't know where there is free printing available on campus, I'll try to find out the locations and quotas for a slew of majors and list them here sometime this month. 

Keep checking back and thanks for reading!  As always, feel free to comment below.  I want to know if people are actually reading this stuff!

Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. So...I just realized that SURGe had a blog.

    MY BAD. Why am I so late on these things?

    Anyway, quite the day you had there. As for the procrastination part, you're not alone on that. It always gets to me one way or another no matter how hard I push it away. Curse you, procrastination!

    Keep up the good work! :-)

