Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy belated Christmukkwanza+ Happy New Year

Hello SURGers!
I'm a bad blogger. bad bad bad. I cannot believe I let this happen this semester. Seriously, I totally should have gotten whipped by Dr. Brownson or our wonderful president Laura K.

I'm curious to know how many of you are actually reading this but I guess I'll never know since there's no such thing as a 'like' button on this blogging system. or is there...would you let me know by shooting me an email?
So many things happened since my last blogging, which I don't even think I wrote anything about our Longhorn Halloween event? The Race for the Cure? The Amazing Camping trip?
I'd say in my four years of being in SURGe this was one of the most memorable semester :) and it's all thanks to you. You were amazing! Thanks for your love and interest in undergraduate research, your endless hours of participation in meetings, volunteer events and socials, and your friendship.

Longhorn Halloween

Group Shot!

The Race for the Cure
I've realized that I didn't have any pictures of Collin or Laura :( I apologize. I've also realized that my picture here may mislead some people to think I ran the whole way. Collin and Laura had to drag me through this :P Only if I had my ipod and Katy Perry....

Camping :)
two of our amazing members Tim and Mark! I sincerely apologize for playing 'Teenage Dream' like 500 times. But I really really appreciated you guys singing along in the end :P
setting up the tent/ holding Laura as a prisoner haha
Happy Lovely Campers
So I guess this is what you 'have' to do when you have an open water. My rocks bounced!!! Pooja is my witness :)

Former Prez & Current Prez

om nom nom dinner time


<3 href="">SMORES!

(flag football pics are missing)

Tent A actually got up in the morning, watched the sunrise and took these adorable pics.

While Tent B struggled to wake up................
Tent A!
Mark, Samantha, Cristy, Justin, Pooja, Stephen

focus focus!!

Tent B:
Skylar, YJK, LPK, Collin, DanQ, Tsotman

Random Study Group for the Finals:

(this was totally not planned)

(not pictured: YJK)

The reason why and how I survived this semester:
being with My SURGe family.

My lovely SURGe officers Laura and Collin took me to the Imax theatre to see my very first 3D film Avatar. It changed my life forever.

Before CompSciMitra

After CompSciMitra

Happy belated Christmukkwanza
Happy New Year!
I really hope to see more of you next semester. I miss you guys so much!

From Houston TX,
Youn Joo Kim
From Colombia
Laura Kuri

Thursday, November 18, 2010

sorry about the delay

Dear SURGers!
sorry about the delay,
pictures and stories from
Longhorn Halloween, Race of Cure, the A-----mazing camping trip are coming up soon.
Your VP has currently locked herself in the welch dungeon finishing her last Analytical Lab report, a programming assignment and studying for achem and pchem test for Monday morning. Come say hi if you are planning to pass by. :)

tomorrow's meeting is going to be an awesome meeting. This will be our 2nd annual evolution meeting. Dr. Kirkpatrick is amaaaaazing :) please come join us!

ps. did SURGe account on facebook get hacked?? ahhh

Youn Joo Kim
SURGe Vice President

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hello SURGers!

We have a lab safety certification meeting this week!
If you are a freshmen, or an upperclassman who is looking into working in a research lab ANYWHERE you need this certification. You also need this certification for the labs that you will take in future (FRI, Chem, Bio, Biochem and rocket science labs blah blah etc) so make sure you sign up!

YOU MUST SIGN UP! you can't just show up!

My midterms are over but I am getting ready for the next midterms ( nerd alert!!!! I know, but I actually gave up facebook to Miss President, LP KURI!!! there is nothing better than walking out of after the test feeling like you have just earned yourself a big fat A!). How is your school life? We'd love to hear from you! Come chat with us during our office hours.

Remember, if you have anything to talk about, even something other than research, please feel free to talk to any of the officers, we are here for you.

Youn Joo Kim
SURGe Vice President

Monday, October 4, 2010

ROADS to Research

Hello my lovely SURGers!
Thank you so much for those who came out to volunteer/support SURGe at Roads to Research event last Friday. It was a giant success and we cannot ask for better members! And Thanks to all the presenters! You are an inspiration! You guys are the best!

--I must say Miss President was quite nervous about the event since.. she became the president.

Pictures will be posted soon :)

Youn Joo Kim
SURGe Vice President

p. s. Laura and I went out to go watch The Social Network (the movie about facebook) on Friday night to celebrate! We think it's an awesome movie and you should definitely check it out! SURGers! BE AMBITIOUS!!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello SURGers!

Roads to Research is in two days!

come join us for
Great Posters
Great Undergraduate Researchers
Great Lab Tour
Great Food

Youn Joo Kim
SURGe Vice President

Monday, September 27, 2010

Natural Science Week + Overdue pictures

Hello Hello Hello SURGers!
I would gladly share that my first round of midterms have ended, 27 minutes ago. Too bad so sad, my second round of midterm starts next Monday. How were your midterms?

This week is the Natural Science Week!!!
Check out all the events from
(...go for the free food also.)

SURGe will be hosting our annual ROADS to Research this Friday October 1st, at ACES from 3-5PM. Come see what undergraduate research is all about.!!! We have presenters from variety of fields eager to share their experiences in reasearch as undergraduates.

Now.. for the overdue pictures from GONE TO TEXAS..

Youn Joo Kim
SURGe Vice President